Tag Archives: oil

Wait…The Cost Of Oil Did What??? And Costo Did WHAT?!?!

Here we go. A straight-forward-ish explanation of what’s going on with the price of oil. So Iran is posturing and the price of oil spikes?!?! Grrr. But even more grrrr was our experience at Costco today. We pulled into the line at the Fullerton Costco gas station (which seemed fairly straight-forward for a Saturday), but soon we were engaged by a Costco employee. They told us that the back pump of each lane was Regular only and the front pump was Premium only. This effectively means that everybody (except the few who don’t want to wait in the line and get Costco employee guidance to queue up for the front pump) is waiting to use one pump per lane. The next opportunity we had we bailed because that’s garbage. As Laura and I waited for the next available opportunity to exeunt the premises, we discussed why on earth Costco would … Continue reading →