Tag Archives: Oceans

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul … Ed. Note : nothing that can separate my heart from your great love….except my selfishness…? Katie All hands on deck We’ll have a table outside with sign-up for various ministries that we have here (greeting, children’s, setup, cleanup, etc) We’re contemplating whether to move back to 5pm or not, please vote Paul Introducing our speaker tonight, Dan Parkins from Peninsula Community Church Dan I don’t want to share my testimony too much, that should come through in my sermon without effort 3 liver transplants, most of my large intestine removed due to disease, 3 years ago one of our sons passed away, parental divorce, defecating blood, a lot of things in my life that God has allowed me to go through Life is a struggle Sometimes we want to put on masks and say “I’m good” When really we’re crying inside I’m going to talk about wrestling with … Continue reading →

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Jon Katie Two announcements First, there’s an all-church meeting after worship tonight Second, 16th/17th August is our VBS campout Jon Wrapping up our series on being a spirit filled community with the topic of friendship I’m going to go all Mr. Rogers on you The gospel of Jesus Christ does not simply send you deeper into the heart of god than you ever thought you would go, or deeper….bit it sends you deeper into the heart of other brokers and sisters in Christ giving you…with any other human being. Part of the narrative of travel After he said these things, he knelt down with all of them to pray. They cried uncontrollably as everyone embraced and kissed Paul. They were especially grieved by his statement that they would never see him again. Then they accompanied him to the ship. After we tore ourselves away from them, we set sail on … Continue reading →

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Maria Imagine you are an ancient Israelite around 700 BC With what should I approach the Lord and bow down before God on high? Should I come before him with entirely burned offerings, with year-old calves? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with many torrents of oil? Should I give my oldest child for my crime; the fruit of my body for the sin of my spirit? He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:6-8 (CEB) I get faithful love and walking with you, but what does it mean to do justice What does it mean to be a community of justice Here in Micah justice is the Hebrew term mishpat, means to put things right, to intervene in a situation that is wrong, … Continue reading →

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Ed. Note: The Spirit and the bride say come….interesting song for the church (the bride) to sing Interlude from Maria God likes camping (it’s in Exodus) 16th and 17th of August we’re going to do our 2nd annual VBS camp out Wilderness park in Torrance We need all hands on deck to pull this off If you sign up well find a role that’s uniquely satisfied for you Jon Starting 22nd June were going to move the service time to 4pm One reason we’re doing this is for the summer concert season Another reason is we want to look at how we serve the community Want to give us time to connect after the service Ending after concerts in the park Going to continue on in community series This week, A Community On Suffering James 1:2-12 James starts his epistle with a question about God allowing suffering James doesn’t … Continue reading →

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Maria It’s Holy Week! Palm Sunday today Jesus began his ministry with a miracle at a wedding After service tonight we’ll be celebrating the wedding of Katie and Bryan Stations of the cross this Friday by the youth group (6-6:30) This Easter we’ll be doing another 9am morning service Then Easter egg hunt on the playground for the kids Continuing the Lenten thing of going through some questions in small groups Qs Who is someone in your life that you would like to see thrive? What is one way that you can bless them and remind them that they are loved? Is there someone you feel God has been calling you towards? How can you extend help, friendship, and care towards them? 1 In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, … Continue reading →