Tag Archives: 10,000 Reasons

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Maria A while ago now I lived in Chicago and I volunteered at a family homeless shelter In the South Bay statistics say there are around 7,000 homeless people Family Promise of the South Bay The idea is that each church in the coalition will provide a home on a quarterly basis Paul Just going to start with a non-sequitur. Iron sharpens iron,     and one person sharpens the wits of another. Proverbs 27:17 (NSRV) Piggy backing off of what Jon was talking about a couple of weeks ago Proverbs has a bunch of really cool metaphors Iron Age was after the Bronze Age Iron was more plentiful Bronze had to be cast Iron had to be hammered A real equality to this verse and this image But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood self-condemned; Galatians 2:11 (NSRV) Paul is coming into … Continue reading →

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Maria Corn booth is coming up Sign up and help raise money for kids and youth ministry Uganda trip could use more suitcases and supplies, medicine, etc Jon Mark 1 Journey covenant Pastor Jim’s wife has a twisted intestine She’s in ICU, it’s not looking good The next 48 hours a crucial I’d like us to be I agreement to pray in solidarity for God’s intervention For God to be present Corporate prayer If I hear anything, I’ll keep you up to date via email Going to fill in there next Sunday Early in the morning, well before sunrise, Jesus rose and went to a deserted place where he could be alone in prayer. Simon and those with him tracked him down. When they found him, they told him, “Everyone’s looking for you!” He replied, “Let’s head in the other direction, to the nearby villages, so that I can … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Announcements by Katie Short video to show about last year’s VBS We have VBS July 9, 11, 13 9am to noon Probably need about 20 more volunteers for the event Women’s Dessert at Nancy’s tomorrow night at 730 Nice time for the ladies of the rock to come together Meet new people and fellowship and laugh and hang out Agora Thursday May 17th Talk to me or Chrissy Reaching out to pre-kids group and fellowship Paul I told them if they show pictures of the Barnreuther’s people would be bummed out And I heard an audible groan It sucks when people move away Let’s make a rule about no more of that I wanna thank Jon for letting me speak on potluck night It’s like opening for a really good band Talking about temptation what pops into your head This picture of a woman and an apple is the … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Family Sunday No sermon, just worship and scripture Kara Ephesians 3:14-21 Paul / Josie Isaiah 41:11-13 Paul Chris Psalm 119:41-48 Paul It’s one thing to sing all these words in here on Sunday and it’s another thing to go out and live them That’s my own personal challenge as well

Surplus – The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Stephen potluck in 2 weeks Sharing one thing on my mind I’ve been careless this week with words and I’m reading this for me and I don’t know if these 2 verses have ever been linked together John 15 no longer do I call you servants Romans 15:7 therefore show grace and peace and hospitality One of the hardest things to do is just be friendly to people around you Paul Jon Here’s Jeami, she’s going to India next week Jeami I’ve had India on my heart for a long time With Uganda in good hands, prayer led us to know that now was the time So I joined the rotary club of El Segundo and they asked me to represent them in Bangkok so they’re paying my way which is a huge deli FE Jon Another week, another parable Jesus often responded to deep questions with stories Have … Continue reading →