The Rock Church Worship Service


You'll Come


VBS coming
Katie Thomas – new Children’s director
Just got back from Haiti



Tom and Brittany taking over YOTC
Middle School
High School


Change – bitter and sweet
Worship is crucial
Your Wonders
Who You Are (I Won’t be Satisfied)
My savior, my healer, redeemer, that is who you are, creator, my maker, my father, that is who you are


Let us proclaim the goodness of God over the people in your life who are sick
Matthew 5:1-12 (Beattitudes)


Redondo Beach School District honored The Rock Church for Sharefest work days with


July 18th – Uganda Trip
Myself, Jeami, & Paul
They need our prayers


Tom T. Hall – stories from a stool
Nice to be able to just get on a plane and go to Africa for two weeks
This church has an undercurrent that makes being a worship leader easy
Sinus surgery
Loved to sing but it was getting harder to breathe
Tried inhalants, saline – nothing worked
His life is music and Africa
Visits an allergist
Told him about Africa, where in, Uganda, where in, Gulu region, I spent some time there as a child
Is this the reason you struck my sinuses God? To meet Dr. Song?
Jeami had a sinus surgery last year that fixed everything
Go to the 2nd doctor – exact same conversation
LAR – Lord’s Resistance Army
LAR Bill – US is going to do whatever it can to help Uganda
My daughter wrote that bill
He is supporting a school in Kenya and wants to know how he can help
Trying to make sense of what God’s been doing these past two years
To see Him working through that for Uganda
“Belief is something else altogether, although it is not what some would have us believe. It is not a well-fluffed nest, or a well-defended castle high on a hill. It is more like a rope bridge over a scenic gorge, sturdy but swinging back and forth, with plenty of light and plenty of air but precious little to hang on to except the stories you have heard: that it is the best and only way across, that it is possible, that it will bear your weight” (Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor).
It’s enough to wrap my head around “Are You real?”
First thought in this doctors office – “You’re real”
Embarrassing to admit as a leader that He shows me that
It’s not just to have a club and take care of each other in a humanistic way
We are in God’s hands
It’s not just our will, it’s His
God’s saying – “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

Rob Bredow

Love being in this church
God’s showing up and stretching us
The vision God gave Jeami and Paul is so far beyond the sensible thing for a church to do
This is what happens when you get in the center of God’s will
Take up an offering for this trip
Great time…
Checks to The Rock with Uganda memo


Proud to be a part of this church
Encouraged by a couple of knuckleheads church-planting in Australia
It doesn’t make any sense, it’s not sensible
When it comes to dying to self, you have to go after God’s heart
Matt & Grace brought many people to this church
Privileged and honored to work and play with you

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