
Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime. For example. You’re walking along, minding your own business. You’re looking neither to the left, nor to the right. When all of a sudden, you run smack dab into a pretty face. WHOO WHOO! You begin to get weak in the knees. Your head’s in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather. And before ya know it, you’re walking on air. And then you know what? You’re knocked for a loop! And ya completely loose you’re head! And that ain’t all. It can happen to anyboy. So you’d better be careful.


Now what better way to look at relationships then through the eyes of a semi-psychotic yet well-meaning cartoon owl. Not the one that eats the Tootsie Pop in 3 “licks”, but the one from the Disney Animated Feature, Bambi. This is his speech on “love sweet song (pain in the pin-feathers)”. I don’t know particularly why I enjoy it so much, but it is funny to watch the owl act out his exaggerated motions.

The reason I wrote that out is because I am single again (for the first time?) and feel kind of confused. See I said I loved her , but did I even know? Here’s the 411 on the relationships I’ve been in.

  1. Kindergarten – Girl named Jenny played Dick Tracy with me and my friends Dana and Mike. She was Breathless Mahoney (Madonna), I was Dick Tracy, and Dana and Mike were dogs (I think). It wasn’t really a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship, but it gets an honorable mention because it was a girl/boy relationship.
  2. 3rd Grade – Girl named Alex was a good friend of mine. I’ve tried to block out all the memories from third grade because they were at a school were everybody hated me (Eastwood Elementary) and this was during the Pog rage and I wasn’t a good loser and it’s all very complicated. The memories I do have are of me at her house eating a cinnamon Pop-Tart watching her pet snail (?) and then the parking lot at Eastwood. That’s all I remember, I swear!
  3. The summer of my freshman year – A wonderful girl named Lindsey came into my life. This relationship occurred when I was fourteen so I was still dependent on my parents for just about everything (they didn’t spoon-feed me, but it was still bad). I joined a children’s theatre group called MYART (Musical Youth Artist Repertory Theatre) for two shows, the King and I, and Annie. During Annie, Lindsey and I christened a relationship that was enjoyed only, I am sad to say, in cyberspace and backstage at rehearsals and performances for Annie. I remember standing off-stage and holding her in my arms while singing to her what Daddy Warbucks was saying to Annie before we were supposed to go on stage (we were both ensemble). I enjoyed it very much, but sadly the relationship ended when school began.
  4. The summer of ’01 to the summer of ’03 – Then for two years I dated a dancer from my school named Keri. I attended the newly christened Orange County High School of the Arts as a Musical Theatre major, and I spent the majority of my lunch hours with a motley crue of sophomores and juniors, among which was Keri. We were friends, then good friends, and then I became her hostage (?). Then by the end of my sophomore year, I convinced her to convince her parents to get a Disneyland Annual Passport so we could hang out together over the summer. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. We hung out at Disneyland whenever I could get a ride from my parents (which was kind of annoying, but what can you do?) and at the Block at Orange seeing movie’s and hanging out. The relationship progressed slowly but surely, but then it was over.

The reason it ended? I threatened her job security. She works at the Blue Bayou at Disneyland Resort, and was working so much, that I could never get a hold of her. So I decided to visit her at work (even though she had warned me not to) the night before I was to leave for Hawaii. I hung around so much and bothered her so much, that her managers got upset and told her that if I didn’t go, she would. So later that night, she called me, said she was now working until one in the morning and that I could never visit her at work again. So then I went away for a week. This gave us both time to think, but by the time I got back, she had already made her decision. I found a letter taped to my front door saying that she wanted to focus on her school and career and wouldn’t be able to hang out with me anymore. So now I am once again cut loose into the worldly sea of available females and I have no idea how to proceed. So I’m going to wait until school starts and see if I can make new friends, because it’s next to impossible for me to do anything sitting at home pounding on my keyboard. It’s now 3:30 in the morning so this is the official end of this one.

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