The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Maria A while ago now I lived in Chicago and I volunteered at a family homeless shelter In the South Bay statistics say there are around 7,000 homeless people Family Promise of the South Bay The idea is that each church in the coalition will provide a home on a quarterly basis Paul Just going to start with a non-sequitur. Iron sharpens iron,     and one person sharpens the wits of another. Proverbs 27:17 (NSRV) Piggy backing off of what Jon was talking about a couple of weeks ago Proverbs has a bunch of really cool metaphors Iron Age was after the Bronze Age Iron was more plentiful Bronze had to be cast Iron had to be hammered A real equality to this verse and this image But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood self-condemned; Galatians 2:11 (NSRV) Paul is coming into … Continue reading →

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Jeami Going back to South East Asia (went 2 years ago) Concerned about human trafficking Mercy’s Village is looking to see what we can do about this in that area One country I’ll be visiting is Cambodia Want to bless one particular organization I’d like to bless is Daughters of Cambodia I’ve printed out some of their prayer requests and they’re on the table here If you want you can write a letter in response to one of the requests there or to the organization in general or to the staff specifically I can also email you the requests if you’re interested Paul Interesting that we were just singing about chains being broken How we frequently forget there are actual chains out there in the world that still need to be broken There is power in our prayers, in our worship My voice may sound horrible, but don’t worry, … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul … Heather Nobody liked Zaccheus very much He was a tax collector who made a profit by telling his customers that the tax was double the actual tax One day he’s doing his thing All of a sudden way down in the distance he sees a commotion Someone stands up and yells “It’s Jesus!” Everybody knows who Jesus was (Justin Beiber had nothing on him) I need my two tall people No, not you Cas (but I’ll need you later) Tons of people blocking the path Come up here Zaccheus He was a little man I’ve never been sick or blind, but I’m a bad person Maybe Jesus can do something to fix me So he tried standing on his tiptoes Tried jumping up and down Nothing really helped He was a little man He tried bouncing from side to side So this really tall tree (told you I’d … Continue reading →

The Book of James (Part 1) – The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul (O Israel) Stephen Youth Group Bake Sale this week Rubio’s next week Women’s Retreat Paul Jon New series on the book of James Overview tonight, launch it next week V.1-4 Interesting book Wisdom literature Case law Tie the practices of the scripture and apply them to your life These beliefs will raise questions about how we apply them Moves to the here and now How should we be living this life that God has called us to If we are a people that believe in the resurrection, how does that change how we view other people? When I become a Christian it’s more than a ticket to Heaven It’s entrance to a community, called the church Church like a laboratory Not about status and position, but relationship Can’t stay in comfort circles, have to expand in the family of God How does my belief in the resurrection affect me? … Continue reading →

The Super Bowl Commercials I Liked

Whee! Rock, Paper, Bud Light Add to My Profile | More Videos All I can say about this one is….niiiice. Click a mouse Add to My Profile | More Videos James Woods, Jim Belushi, Alec Baldwin AND Bobcat Goldthwait. Talk about a multi-million dollar commercial. Or maybe they just went to the old actor’s home and got them out for a day. Ah, I kid. Wedding Auction Add to My Profile | More Videos An auctioneer conducts a wedding. Nice. Doritos Distraction Add to My Profile | More Videos Live the Flavor. Hilarious. Give a Little Love Add to My Profile | More Videos I’ve loved this commercial since I saw it in theatres a couple of weeks ago. I really want to play this game. The song is from the musical Bugsy Malone and you can find it on YouTube. Evil Mapasaurus Add to My Profile | More Videos … Continue reading →

San Diego Wild Animal Park

At Least I Got To See Them At The Zoo (ALIGTSTATZ) Pictures The day started out kind of weird. I let myself stay up later than I should have (the previous night I hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep…lots of tossing and turning for unknown reason…I think it was temperature based) but slept really well and slept-in an hour (instead of up at 7, ready to leave at 8, up at 8, ready to leave at 9). I got up, got everything ready and took everything down to the car (Mom and Sis staying at condo, so I can just leave my key and leave the resort without consequences). I start driving down the 5 to highway S12 (shortcut to Wild Animal Park) when I suddenly can’t mentally picture where my ticket to the park is. So I pull off the freeway and into a gas station and begin a … Continue reading →

The Lord of the Rings The Musical

You cannot come to this musical if you think Oklahoma is the epitome of musical theatre. “It’s not for you!” This movie is all about spectacle. One of the greatest things about it is that it does for me what Lion King could never do: tell me a story that I love AND blow me away with technical wizardry. As a matter of fact, this show takes at least two technologies from Lion King and heartily improves them: the turntable with rising platforms (17 elevators!) and extended legs/arms to alter the human gait (movement pattern). The show is 3 1/2 hours long with one 15 minute intermission and one 3 minute intermission. My biggest complaint is that there are several subplots/moments from the books/movies that I wanted reproduced and didn’t get, leading me to whine a little. Actually while these missing moments made me shake my head in wonder, it … Continue reading →

The Built-Up Theorem

This won’t surprise you, but I’ve learned surprisingly little since then. Mainly some fine tuning of the base theorem, but other than that, the essentials are right there. Mostly what needed to change was the climbing a steep path metaphor. “Here’s my other analogy for living as a Christian: you’re traveling up a steep rocky path from which it is very easy to stumble, but God is always there to lend a helping hand. All you have to do is reach for it.” The problem with this metaphor is that it makes God external to you, when in fact he is internal. So, if I were to rewrite it, it would say “it is very easy to stumble, but God is always there to lend a helping…heart. Because he’s inside of you and can fill you with divine strength.” Yeah, that’s what I thought…it just doesn’t work. So let’s just … Continue reading →